Padang Sugihan, The Little Africa in Sumatera - Dhavers


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Padang Sugihan, The Little Africa in Sumatera

Padang Sugihan Wildlife Reserve
A speed boat with a powerful 200 PK engine drove the Musi River to the east. Several times the body of the boat was shaken great when fitted with another boat. The boat captain pulls the boat gas up to speeds of 50 km / h as I see in GPS, but when the calm waters can reach 60 km / hour. My direction is to go to Padang Sugihan Wildlife Reserve which is located in 2 districts namely Ogan Komering Ilir and Banyuasin.
Map of Padang Sugihan Wildlife Reserve
The journey to Padang Sugihan can be overland, but with more mileage than the river. From the pier at Ampera Bridge, many speed boats can be hired to get there. Travel time ranges from 1.5 to 2 hours, and depends on the speed of the boat and its river traffic. Throughout the course of the eye will be saw river water is brownish yellow, palm forest, swamps, and some points have become palm land. Some villages also appear to lined the riverbank with houses on stilts and floating toilets.
Ampera Bridge.
Boat terminal be side Ampera bridge.
2 hours passed and arrived at a small dock in Padang Sugihan. At first glance I do not believe, this is not Palembang but Africa as I used to see on pay-TV channels that broadcast a documentary of wild life. Up close I saw a vast and bushy plains overlooking dense forest, which is a flock of free elephants. The Sumatran Elephant, one of endemic species with the scientific name Elephas maximus sumatranus.

Elephants on conservation area.
I was immediately introduced with a mr. Jumiran. He is the head of the elephant's handlers at the Elephant Training Center. Before introducing his elephants, he recounted his track record as an elephant's handler. It's been 30 years he trained elephants, ranging from Way Kambas-Lampung to Sepokat-Lahat. His job is catch wild elephants, tame, to train them.

Iron hook for elephant control.

He took me up on a stage, then Mr. Jumiran pointed to a herd of elephants eating on the banks of the Musi River. He said "there are 30 elephants, where there are 24 adult elephants and 6 who are still children. Recently there is a new born a elephant kid. the goal ahead is to increase the number of elephant populations to 10% by 2019 ".

On my mind, I ask, why this area actually catch wild elephants, should not it be left free in the wild? While sitting under theAcacia tree we discussed . Mr. Jumiran explained the history of this elephant training. Formerly many wild elephants that enter the village and farmland. There is a conflict between humans and elephants. Elephants are both threating and threatened. To get the solution. then we act so that elephants and humans do not harm each other.

Naturally, elephants have the ability to eco-location in migration or displacement place. Elephants have a special path that will be passed in certain times. The elephant also has a territory for feeding, house and mating. Humans often enter in the territory of elephants or on the path of even changing the landscape of elephant areas into settlements and plantations. Elephants who feel pressed or run out of food will enter the population area. That's where human and elephant conflict begins.

Trained elephant. 
It is very difficult to confront an elephant and the risk of safety is at stake. The best solution is elephants against elephants. Some wild elephants were caught, then tamed and trained. Elephants are trained to do what the handler instructs. The initial goal is to deal with wild elephants that go off the track or enter the land of the population. In addition to fighting wild elephants, elephants at the training center are also trained in various attractions such as waving garlands, hoisting flags, sitting, playing ball. "We have not done elephant training to draw and write like in Way Kambas" said Mr. Jumiran. I just joked "if you can be trained elephant for photography and playing computer, I'll lose my job".

I am called a handler named Setiono. I was invited to ride an elephant. A good chance I can ride the elephant in its natural habitat. "This is Jimy, 26 years old and he is male." Mr. Setiono explained the four-legged vehicle specifications he was riding on. While sitting on Jimy's back, he tells of grief to be an elephant's handler.

It took a long time for the elephant to know the handler. For almost 10 years, Mr. Setiono taught Jimy to obey his orders. Here da 40 handlers and each get 1 - 2 elephants rations to be nurtured, cared for and trained. We have to be patient and careful. Elephant is very concentrated on the surrounding environment and we must always be vigilant. An elephant may go berserk when he feels disturbed or is entering a period of lust.

He tells us why elephants are his choice of life and seem to be a part of his life. Elephant is the only animal that can penetrate any field. Wetland with a thickness of 2 - 5 m can be easily passed by riding elephants. Elephants can also swim as far as 100 - 200 m. With the elephant ride, we are safe against threats of wild animals including wild elephants. Wild elephants do not want to approach a tame elephant, even afraid. Benign elephants already have a different behavior with wild elephants, as well as the scent of his body has been scented human and his new environment.

From the other side, Mr.Parlan, who became the elephant's master handler and his son shouted "I am sorry, I am naughty and nosy" while pointing at the tiny elephant. Then I asked who was the name of the little elephant? "There is no name for 6 elephants that are kids, because there is no agreement of names, maybe one day there are officials of this country who will come here and give the name elephant". Mr. Parlan said while riding Dalung 9-year-old male elephant.

Wildlife reserve Padang Sugihan opened for visitors who previously had to take  of the letter Simakasi (Conservation Area Permit). This location can be tourist visits for those who want to be wild nature. 30 elephants is more than enough, especially the area of ​​more than 2,000 hectares. South Sumatra has a wildlife that is not inferior to Africa that all I can only see on the screen. Jimy and Dalung are waiting for you to visit.