Elephant Conflict at Sumatra Island - Dhavers


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Elephant Conflict at Sumatra Island

Elephant training center.
Elephant conflicts with humans often occur, especially on the Sumatra island-Giam Siak. Elephants who feel disturbed habitat will confront humans or choose expansion in new areas. The natural instincts of elephants that feel threatened by their lives, but the anthropocentric view puts humans and their environment into something special.

Elephants who behave naturally become a problem when there is conflict with humans. We cannot blame elephants. The elephant's instinct for existence (life, living, and breeding) is the reason why he wants to confront those who are considered enemies.
Habitat of Sumatran elephant.
Elephants are not solitary animals, but animals that are in groups. Elephants do not live alone, but group in a certain amount. Elephants live together and forage together. This group of elephants is often a problem when he enters an area that according to humans is not their natural habitat (plantations, settlements, or cultivated land). Humans whose areas are threatened will fight elephants.

As a sensitive and territorial animal, elephants have the instinct to protect their territory and their entourage. Whoever tries to interfere will be attacked immediately.

I first came to the area of ​​elephant training center. One of the elephants named Nando seemed strange to me. Nando when he saw a stranger would react immediately, meaning he felt threatened so he immediately responded. The chain that binds his feet, may be easily damaged. His footsteps were more agile than my leg, especially his energy. Luckily the handler already knows how to deal with it.
In the Arboretum area of ​​PT. Arara Abadi, there is an elephant training center. Elephant training center is one solution to making peace with elephants to avoid conflict. In this training center elephants will not be domesticated but made natural partners to overcome confrontation with elephants. There are 6 elephants, each of which has a name, namely: Nando-24 years, Ivo Duanti-27 years, Libowati-27 years, Molina-24 years, Bonita-9 years, and Bubu-9 years. Each elephant has its own handler as a foster father. The elephants here are animals that are fortunate because they are nurtured naturally and get very good attention.

Tumari who became a foster father from Ivo Duanti was happy, because his elephant was able to carry out the orders given. Ivo has been able to pay respect, sit, play football, and other movements. Rusli who handles Nando is often annoyed by his elephant. Nando is still temperamental, especially when he sees strangers. Its wild nature cannot be tamed, only the sweet and fresh sugar cane can reduce its anger. Another story with Bonita and Bubu who are still children, they were both released and left free to find food in the arboretum forest area.

The narrowing of the habitat of elephants and the wider area of ​​conflict has made the elephants increasingly pressed for life. As protected animals should be able to treat these animals properly so as not to conflict with humans. Perhaps in other places elephants have died because of conflicts with humans, but in this place elephants still have a safe place to be able to continue their existence as giants on the land of Sumatra.

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