Habema Lake and Trikora Peak, Higes't Place in Indonesia - Dhavers


Thursday, February 07, 2019

Habema Lake and Trikora Peak, Higes't Place in Indonesia

Habema lake and the behind is Trikora peak with eternal snow.
Snow is identical to sub-tropical areas, while tropical areas with tropical rain forests. Try to go to Papua, you will find both forest and snow. Only one in Indonesia is this unique and only exists in Papua.

How to Wamena
6.5 hours flight from Jakarta to Jayapura (Capital of Papua). The flight continued to Wamena  Regency with 1 hour flight time. Wamena is one of the districts located in the middle of Papua.

From Wamena, you head towards Puncak Jaya. This is the highest road in Indonesia with altitude above 3,000m asl. You will be invited to walk in the clouds with cold air.

One interesting place is Lake Habema in Lorenz National Park. Lake Habema is located at an altitude of 3,200m asl. For the first time, I saw a scene that I had never seen before - snow.

Habema Lake
From Lake Habema you can see the shadow of Mount Trikora which is covered by eternal snow. The mountain stands like a giant fort with a white head. One of the top dreams world-class climbers.
Trikora peak.
I walked slowly down the path to Habema lake. Immediately I took off my shoes, pants and clothes then jumped into the lake. Very cold water. "Are you crazy?" asked my guide. "You're the first person I guide and swim in this lake".
Enjoy on the glacier.
If you dare to swim in the lake from the Trikora glacier. You will enjoy the cold sensation from a height of 3000m asl. I only lasted a few minutes and the rest could not stand the cold temperature. Do you want to try ...?

Today I really enjoy a good view before my eyes. The highest lake in Indonesia and see the top of the Trikora peak covered with eternal snow. You have to come here, because the snow will soon disappear due to global warming. Papua awaits you.
With Fuji Ishihara the Japanese wild photographer.

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